Knox Williams
Knox Williams is the founder and Executive Director of the American Suppressor Association and ASA Foundation. Mr. Williams was nominated by the Nominating Committee and is an NRA Patron Life Member. He is NRA RSO certified and President of Task Force Expedition.
Mr. Williams is the country’s leading suppressor advocate, working effectively alongside NRA-ILA, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, and numerous NRA state affiliates to advance suppressor legislation and regulatory reform across the country. He conceptualized and helped draft the Hearing Protection Act while leading the charge to make suppressors legal in all 50 states and to dismantle the National Firearms Act.
Through his work at ASA, Knox has helped three states legalize suppressor ownership and 19 states legalize their use in the field – including the Peach State in 2014. A strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment, Mr. Williams continues to fight the rights of gun ownership in all 50 states.