Frank Tait
“I am running for a seat on the NR Board of Directors to help reestablish proper governance of the NRA where the board is properly executing its fiduciary duty.
I also want to get the board to look at financial forecasts instead of just historical financials so that we can properly plan for the future of our Association.”
Mr. Tait was nominated by a petition of the members. A former NRA Board member, Benefactor Member, Training Counselor, and CRSO, Mr. Tait has trained hundreds of students and instructors each year in safety and marksmanship. He is a proven leader with over 20 years of success in the board of directors and senior management in setting policy for non-profit and for-profit organizations with service on Audit, Finance, Executive, Governance, Human Resources, Nominating and CEO Search committees, and board leadership roles as Board Chairman, Board President, Moderator, Secretary, and Treasurer and providing appropriate transparency and accountability to constituents.
He is a grassroots activist and passionate ambassador for firearm safety education and protection of our rights by speaking out to federal, state, and local legislators and providing the pro-firearm rights perspective at events organized by anti-rights organizations.