Willes Lee, LTC, USA Ret.
"Why I'm running: Our Association is worth saving, the alternative is unacceptable.
I'm current Board Member and former First Vice President Willes Lee. I experienced first-hand the problems we’re facing and attempted to correct them. Admittedly, I may have failed some of you. The cabal knocked me down, but I got up and got back in the arena. I could simply bail, but that’s not how I’m built.
NRA leadership is broken. Too many Directors take, rather than give. Many of you know my background from the United States Military Academy at West Point, through Ranger School, Desert Storm, a 20-year career serving our country, and decades of grassroots political leadership. I have the experience, leadership, and ‘gumption’ to clean up the mess at the top.
The National Rifle Association is too important for our nation to lose. For 150 years, our Association has been the battle flag that rallies the troops to protect our God-given freedoms. Our NRA is integral to the safety and security of our nation.
I'm asking you to stand with me to return the NRA to prominence in our society. It won't be easy, but our country is counting on us. To learn more about me, the NRA, and our 2A community: Read my official bio and follow at WillesLeeNRA on FB & IG, and WillesLee on X.
We can make NRA great again. Please, vote for Willes Lee for NRA Board of Directors."
Lt. Col. Willes Lee is an NRA Benefactor Life Member who spent 22 years in the army as a decorated Army Ranger, Airborne, and Armor officer serving during the Cold War. A Desert Storm combat veteran, he was involved in Counter-terrorism operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff Operations, DSSM/LM/BSM.
A current NRA Board Member, Mr. Lee was an NRA Vice President for 4 years and is a former member of all NRA Standing Committees, NRA Foundation Trustee, and Ring of Freedom including Chairman of Military & Veterans Affairs, Education & Training, Sports Shooting, Outreach.
Graduating from West Point with a BA in Engineering and an MPA from Central Michigan, Lt. Col Lee is an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor. An ardent promoter of women’s programs, the Eddie Eagle program, and Friends of NRA, he is a former Univ of KY rifle team sponsor and is a Life member of the FL, IN, NY, TX, VA state associations.